New Date for the Civil Ruling in the Atar Case
Information & Advice from V-Europe

We would like to inform you of an important announcement regarding the ruling on civil interests in the Atar case by the Court of Assizes of Brussels.

Due to issues at the registry of the Court of First Instance of Walloon Brabant, the French-speaking clerks of the Court of Assizes of Brussels are currently assisting in Nivelles. As a result, they were unable to finalize the civil part of the Atar assize hearing before the scheduled ruling date.

Consequently, the ruling will be postponed to a date that will be communicated to you during the hearing on September 24.

On this new date, the Court of Assizes of Brussels will rule on the civil interests in the Justitia building, where the trial took place.

V-Europe advises you not to be present at this hearing on the yet-to-be-determined date, as the proceedings during this session will likely not meet your need to fully understand everything. The Court will likely limit its task to reading what is called the dictum, which is the final part of the decision, during which figures will be read that are incomprehensible without the explanation of the reasoning that led to these figures. This may result in an incomprehensible flood of figures.

Given the number of different situations affecting an equal number of victims, it is best to analyze each individual's situation as soon as a copy of this ruling is available, which usually happens quite quickly.

We also know that the official recognition by a court, in this case, the Court of Assizes, of the damages you have suffered is extremely important. Establishing this harm in a judicial decision is an essential step.

However, we are aware that the convicted individuals are completely unable to pay the amounts to which they will be civilly condemned. This ruling from the Court of Assizes regarding these civil claims is therefore an important step in supplementing the compensation files with other authorities.

In this way, the legal battle continues as well. In this context, the ruling from the Court of Assizes regarding these issues of civil compensation is not subject to appeal, but can only be contested on legal grounds through a cassation appeal.

If you have any questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

in News
Nieuwe datum voor de uitspraak betreft de burgerlijke belangen in de zaak Atar
Informatie en advies van V-Europe